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May 23, 2013
[SSJ: 8077] Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize
From: Ovink, Charles
Date: 2013/05/23
Good afternoon,
My name is Charles Ovink, I work in the Office of the Rector at the United Nations University. On 4th June UNU will host the commemorative addresses of the 2nd Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize Laureates - Dr. Peter Piot of Belgium and Dr. Alex Godwin Coutinho of Uganda. The Noguchi prize honours individuals with outstanding achievements in the fields of medical research and medical services to combat infectious and other diseases in Africa. The prize was established by the Government of Japan in July 2006 in memory of Dr.
Hideyo Noguchi, whose contribution to medical advancement and self-sacrificing activities in Africa remain a model of professionalism. It is awarded once every five years, coinciding with the convening of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD).
I thought this might be interesting for members of SSJ-Forum, so I would like to pass on information about how to attend.
Registration is quick and simple and available at http://unu.edu/events/upcoming/hideyo-noguchi-africa-pr
ize-laureates-lecture.html#overview. (Further information about the lecture is also available at the same address). The lecture itself will be provided with Japanese and English translation.
Warmest regards and many thanks,
Charles Ovink
Charles Ovink
Office of the Rector, United Nations University
5-53-70 Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925, Japan
tel: +81-3-5467-1212 (1478)
e-mail: ovink[at]unu.edu
UNU homepage: http://unu.edu
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