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May 19, 2013

[SSJ: 8072] Volunteering this summer

From: David H. Slater
Date: 2013/05/19

Its that time of year when foreign-based academics descend upon Japan. Volunteer work opportunities exist, as below.

There are still more than 350,000 Tohoku refugees, many in temporary housing. Much of the work has shifted to "softer" care options that require extended time commitments, and thus might not be suitable for the scholar here for just a short summer visit.

But all over, almost 90% of the rubble is still in the general areas that they were when they were collected into piles that have to be moved or maintained. And there are also all sorts of other chances to contribute your manual labor.

Below are some of the easiest ways to do so. Different sorts of groups, some commercial, with different foci, but all easy, cheap and all-inclusive for just a couple of days of work, and based on my and my students'
experience, all pretty organized. They have no full-on training sessions like Peace Boat used to give and they won't custom design anything for you or your group.
They are more bare bones, but short-term and effective nevertheless. (You need to speak rudimentary Japanese or go with someone who speaks Japanese.)

Volunteer Bus List-->
Volunteer Bus Company -->
Volunteer Bus Company-->
Volunteer Trip-->

Send over other similar groups with whom you had good experiences.


David H. Slater, Ph.D.
Director of the Institute of Comparative Culture Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology Faculty of Liberal Arts, Graduate Program in Japanese Studies Sophia University, Tokyo

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