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January 11, 2013

[SSJ: 7915] UK/Japan, Euro-Asia security links thickening?

From: philip shetler jones
Date: 2013/01/11

Dear SSJ editor,

I have for a while been dreaming up scenarios about how the UK and Japan (and Europe and Asia more generally) could have a closer relationship on security policy.
Just this past year I have started to sense it may actually be happening. I am thinking of things like PM Cameron's visit to Tokyo and signing the defence agreement in early 2012, followed by William Hague's speech in Singapore, followed by RUSI opening up shop in Japan, followed by Gen. Sir David Richards' speech at RUSI just now, which hinted of an 'adaptable brigade' being tasked to Asia. I have tried to track it on my blog (euroasiasecurityforum.com). Do SSJ forum-goers know if there has been some really strategic initiative launched here, or am I imagining it? Has the UK identified the utility of Japan as a major node for activity in E. Asia in some way?

Philip Shetler-Jones

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