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November 22, 2012
[SSJ: 7853] 20th U Thant Distinguished Lecture at United Nations University
From: Ovink, Charles
Date: 2012/11/22
Good evening,
My name is Charles Ovink, I work in the Office of the Rector at United Nations University. Next week (Wednesday 28 November) the Nobel laureate and former President of Timor-Leste, José Ramos-Horta, will be delivering the 20th U Thant Distinguished Lecture at UNU. I thought this might be interesting for list members of SSJ-Forum, so I would like to pass on information about how to attend.
Registration is quick and simple and available at http://unu.edu/u-thant/20th-u-thant-lecture-ramos-horta
.html#overview . (Further information about the lecture is also available at the same address). The lecture itself will be delivered in English with simultaneous translation to Japanese provided.
Warmest regards and many thanks,
Charles Ovink
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