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November 20, 2012
[SSJ: 7844] Politics Quiz #3
From: John Campbell
Date: 2012/11/20
Dear SSJ Forum members,
Can you forecast Japanese politics? It hasn't been easy lately, but for those who would like to try it now, please answer any of the following questions that you like, in an email to me (jccamp[at]umich.edu).
1. What party will get
(a) The most seats (480 total)?
(b) How many?
2. What party will get
(a) The largest share of the Proportional Representation vote?
(b) What percentage?
3. What about the Isshin no Kai?
(a) Number of seats?
(b) Proportional Representation vote percentage?
4. Who will be the prime minister?
5. What parties will make up the winning coalition (i.e. voted for the elected prime minister)?
6. What party will get the most seats in the Upper House election next summer?
Please feel free to add a paragraph with answers to interesting questions I should have included, or additional forecasts about Japanese politics over the next year or so.
I will announce the winners of each question but will not disclose the names of losers, so don't worry about public shaming. I myself was a consistent loser in the first two quizzes.
John Campbell
Approved by ssjmod at 10:57 AM