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September 20, 2012

[SSJ: 7743] Re: Noda's No Nukes Policy

From: Thomas Berger
Date: 2012/09/20

I have followed with rapt attention the discussion of the pros and cons of Japan's nuclear policies here on the forum.

One question that I have, as a complete shiroto
(novice) to all this is how and why the US has been Japan not to close down its nuclear power industry.

I went to a recent US-Japan dialog and the explanation I heard was that if Japan stops its nuclear industry, it will encourage other countries with lower safety standards to enter the nuclear power market internationally. The team from CSIS did not go into much detail on the topic however.

Certainly Japanese television has been presenting an image of the US and Japanese business pushing for keeping Japan in the nuclear power business over the objections of the US, but I was not aware that the US had anything formally on the issue.

Could some of the better informed people on the forum help fill me in?

Thomas Berger
Boston University

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