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August 16, 2012
[SSJ: 7649] Re: How does rational choice theory explain Noda?
From: Ron Dore
Date: 2012/08/16
Gosh, I never thought I'd get into a spat ahout ratchoi, and its expansion to total tautology, but Alexander Bukh's suggestion that the only alternative is social constructivism stirs me.When I was a teenager I was much exercised by the debate about free will and determinism. Determinism wins of course. But not just social environmental determinism. Genes and the personalities developed (in society, yes, but in culturally highly differentiated families) are also important in making history. Some people are brave, individualistic, original and imaginative and others theopposite.
That's what makes for the fun of politics as opposed to the dreariness of political science.
Ronald Dore
Approved by ssjmod at 11:37 AM