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June 22, 2012

[SSJ: 7539] Abe Public Symposium "Possible Futures for Japan"

From: Abe Tokyo Office
Date: 2012/06/22

**************************The Abe Fellowship Program presents ******************************

The Abe Fellowship Program 20th Anniversary Public Symposium

“Possible Futures for Japan”

Date: Monday, July 2, 2012 13:00-17:00
Venue: The International House of Japan
Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032

Language: English and Japanese(with simultaneous

Admission is Free. A reception will follow.


Panel I: Japan in a Precarious World

     ◆Chair: Anne Allison, Duke University
      “Disaster Management”
         William Siembieda, California
Polytechnic State University
         Haruo Hayashi, University of Kyoto
      “Nuclear Energy Policies”
         Jacques Hymans, University of
Southern California
      “Youth and Work”
         David Slater, Sophia University 
      “Gender and Future”
         Ayako Kano, University of
      “Demography as Destiny”
         Sawako Shirahase, University of Tokyo

Panel II: Japan in a Competitive World

     ◆Chair: Yoshihide Soeya, Keio University

      “Japan in the Global Economy”
         Saori Katada, University of Southern California
      “Security Policy”
         Hiroshi Nakanishi, Kyoto University
      “Japan and China”
         Claude Meyer, Sciences Po, Paris
      “Political Leadership”
         Robert Pekkanen, University of
      “Innovation in Science/Technology”
         Masaru Yarime, University of Tokyo

Please see detailed program information at:

Seating is limited. To sign up, please send an email with your name and affiliation to ssrcABE[at]gol.com by Tuesday, June 26. Your colleagues and friends are also welcome.

The symposium is jointly sponsored by the Social Science Research Council and the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership.
Abe Fellowship Program SSRC Tokyo Office Tel:
03-5369-6085 Email: ssrcABE[at]gol.com

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