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June 11, 2012

[SSJ: 7511] Final call: IPSA-NUS Methods Summer School

From: Tobias Hofmann
Date: 2012/06/11

*apologies for cross-posting*

The IPSA-NUS Summer School for Research Methods in Social and Political Science will take place at the National University of Singapore from June 25 to July 6, 2012.

The following four Summer School courses are still open for registration:

. Experimental Methods (Prof. Rebecca B. Morton, New York University)
. Modern Regression Analysis (Prof. Guy D. Whitten, Texas A&M
. Case Study Methods (Prof. Derek Beach, University of Aarhus)
. Mixed Method Designs (Prof. Katrin Niglas, Tallinn University)

For more information on these Summer School courses and to register, please visit http://sg-summerschool.ipsa.org/ or contact Mr. Eugene Tan at ipsa[at]nus.edu.sg.

Please share this announcement with any colleagues, students, and friends who might be interested.

IPSA-NUS Methods Summer School
National University of Singapore
Department of Political Science
AS1, #04-10, 11 Arts Link
Singapore 117570


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