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May 13, 2012

[SSJ: 7458] Re: Petition to Save Japanese Language Courses at NTNU

From: Paul Midford
Date: 2012/05/13

I want to express my belated but sincere thanks to the many subscribers to SSJ Forum who responded to my message of early January and signed the online petition to save Japanese language course at the Norwegian University for Science and Technology. Thanks in no small part to your support, plus protests from Norwegian industry and a message from the university president, the Humanities Faculty (not my faculty) dropped its plan to eliminate the Japanese language courses. The courses will be preserved, and in the not too distant future the possibility of expanding them may again be placed on the agenda.

Again, many thanks for your support!

Best Regards,


Paul Midford (Ph.D. Political Science)
Professor, Director, NTNU Japan Program
Department of Sociology and Political Science Dragvoll Campus Norwegian University for Science and Technology
NO-7491 Trondheim Norway

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