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March 16, 2012

[SSJ: 7290] UPDATE: Mellon Postdoc in Japanese Religions at USC (2012-2013)

From: Kana Yoshida
Date: 2012/03/16

Dear Colleagues,

This is an update regarding the Center for Japanese Religions and Culture (CJRC) and the School of Religion Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship in Japanese Religions at the University of Southern California, beginning Fall 2012.

We are accepting applications for this position by E-MAIL submission to cjrc@dornsife.usc.edu. Please feel free to skip the online USC jobs website application process.

Please submit the following items by e-mail attachment by March 31, 2012:

1. Cover/Application Letter**
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Letters of Recommendation (2-3 letters)

**Please include a brief description of your research (including both the dissertation and current/future
projects) in the body of your Cover/Application Letter.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact Kana Yoshida at cjrc@dornsife.usc.edu.

Thank you very much.


Lori Meeks
Associate Professor of Religion and East Asian Languages and Cultures Co-Director, Center for Japanese Religions and Culture University of Southern California


The Center for Japanese Religions and Culture (CJRC) and the School of Religion at the University of Southern California invite applications for an Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship, beginning Fall 2012. The fellowship is subject to a renewal process after the first year, for a maximum of two years only. The fellowship has an annual salary in the first year of $59,000, plus a research/travel allowance of $2,000 annually, and fringe benefits.

The field of specialization is Japanese religions. The Fellow will teach one course each semester in the School of Religion, will be given research space at CJRC, and will be expected to participate in CJRC research relevant to his or her interests. The Fellow must have a Ph.D. in hand, and should be within 5 years of receiving the Ph.D., at the beginning of the

To apply, please submit the following materials to the USC jobs website: an application letter, a CV, and a brief description of your research (including both the dissertation and current/future projects). In addition, applicants should request that a dossier or three letters of recommendation be submitted to the USC website. The letters should be sent directly by the referees, and one must speak to the candidate's teaching abilities.
Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. More information about specific job duties, and instructions for applying, can be found at the USC jobs Web site, http://capsnet.usc.edu/ers/. Please reference
requisition #012613.

The deadline for submission of application is March 31, 2012. USC strongly values diversity and is committed to equal opportunity in employment. Women and men, and members of all racial and ethnic groups, are encouraged to apply.

Approved by ssjmod at 11:40 AM