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February 21, 2012

[SSJ: 7188] Re: Why Noda is pushing a tax increase

From: Fred Uleman
Date: 2012/02/21

Although Richard writes:
"... whatever one's view of nuclear energy in the long-term, it's a really bad idea to shut down all the nuke plants without a viable, affordable alternative.
And yet, distrust is so high, that there are only two left on and even Edano says that all will be shut down this summer."

Unless people are willing to buck the nuclear lobby and shut them all down, there is little real incentive to develop those viable, affordable alternatives. Instead, money will be thrown at appearing to make them appear safe, bribing/appeasing local communities, and all the rest of the nuclear agenda. But if they are shut down, then serious money can be directed to developing alternatives and decommissioning the unwanted nuclear plants.

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Fred Uleman, with apologies for responding to what was intended as a minor point in the Katz post.

Approved by ssjmod at 01:32 PM