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February 14, 2012
[SSJ: 7159] Re: Why Noda is pushing a tax increase
From: Arthur Alexander
Date: 2012/02/14
There is a reason that there is no observable panic on the part of Japanese government bond (JGB) holders. The problem is not quite as scary as the commonly cited figures suggest: the often-quoted central plus local government gross debt, which rose from 75% of GDP to 225% over two decades.
The central government portion (short-term bills and
JGBs) is still a very large 195% of GDP. When financial assets are subtracted from these gross figures, we get the value of outstanding JGBs, still a worrying 129%.
It is only when we look at the government bonds in private hands that we get a realistic picture of what is driving market forces. As of September 2011, 45% of JGBs were in non-goverment hands, equivalent to 61% of GDP. This is a very different story from the first number of 225%.
The future is not rosy, but not so gray, either.
Arthur Alexander
Approved by ssjmod at 11:33 AM