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November 30, 2011

[SSJ: 7002] Call for papers NAJS conference 2012

From: Dick Stegewerns
Date: 2011/11/30


NAJS 2012 – The Ninth NAJS Conference on the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society, 22–23 March 2012, Gothenburg, Sweden.

We would like to invite you to participate in the Ninth Annual NAJS Conference. The NAJS is an interdisciplinary platform for research on modern and contemporary Japan. The next conference will take place at the School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg

The format of the NAJS conferences is intensive, collective, and centred on discussion and feedback. In case your proposal is accepted you are expected to submit your completed paper well before the start of the conference. All papers will be made available to the other participants through the NAJS website. The participants are supposed to read all papers beforehand. Accordingly there will be no presentations, apart from the keynote speeches. Two discussants will shortly comment on each paper, the rest of the time being reserved for discussion. The NAJS conferences have no particular theme for the conference, although at our next conference we especially welcome papers related to the theme of ‘one year after the tsunami’.

The keynote speeches at the Gothenburg conference will be given by Iwabuchi Kōichi (Waseda University), Sugita Yoneyuki (Osaka University) and Taga Futoshi (Kansai University).

Registration forms and more information about the conference can be found on the NAJS website (N.B. new

Please read the guidelines for participation
carefully before registering and sending in your abstract.

Deadline for abstracts: 18 December 2011 (Sunday)

Deadline for full papers: 12 February 2011 (Sunday)

Please submit abstracts and papers to:

You will be notified if your abstract has been accepted before Christmas.

Best regards,

Dick Stegewerns

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