« [SSJ: 6936] Re: From Ronald Dore | Main | [SSJ: 6938] Re: 6935] Colonialism and War in Japan's History Textbooks1992-2010: Sophia University, Nov 15th »

November 7, 2011

[SSJ: 6937] Re: From Ronald Dore

From: Jun Okumura
Date: 2011/11/07


It's certainly an unfair treaty, the signatory nuclear powers have done little to push disarmament, and non-signatory nuclear powers have suffered little from their outsider status. Something's got to give, but everybody rushing to own their own nuclear arms does not across as a palatable alternative, at least to me.
Unless you can put an end to war itself, won't there will always be the temptation to avail oneself of the weapon of last resort? Anticipating such thoughts, the other side... and so on unless every state has second-strike capabilities. So two questions. First, what about states that do not have the resources to secure second-strike capabilities? Second, even if they have the resources, how does the world you get from now to then, a period of massive instability as states arm themselves at different speeds?

I don't have a good answer of my own to the issues around the current treaty or the Japan-US treaty, but I do think that it could be worse.

Approved by ssjmod at 02:40 PM