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October 24, 2011

[SSJ: 6918] Hokkaido University: Job Ad

From: Philip Seaton
Date: 2011/10/24

Dear Colleagues,

Can I bring your attention to the following job ad on JREC-IN for a non-tenured lectureship at Hokkaido University.


The main responsibilities of the job are English teaching (EFL experience/qualifications essential).
However, we welcome applications from people who can teach English but whose research interests are in area studies (particularly Japan and/or East Asia), media studies or other branches of the social sciences and humanities. Indeed, we are particularly interested in hearing from active researchers who can boost our provision of content courses in English at undergraduate and postgraduate level, while also covering the more general English teaching duties.

For more details, see the job ad and/or contact me directly at seaton@imc.hokudai.ac.jp

Philip Seaton
Associate Professor,
Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University.

Approved by ssjmod at 02:05 PM