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September 2, 2011

[SSJ: 6834] Re: Noda's victory

From: Paul Midford
Date: 2011/09/02

Len Schoppa may well be right that Noda is the best leader to try to heal the rift between pro- and anti-Ozawa groups, and that he presented himself as "neutral." To the extent this is true, however, it represents an ironic turn of events given that in the
2008 leadership election when Ozawa was at the height of his dominance over the DPJ, Noda was the only candidate who tried to challenge Ozawa. However, Noda could not even muster the 20 signatures needed to get on the ballot and so Ozawa was reelected by acclamation. Nonetheless, in his newly announced cabinet Noda has indeed tried to reduce the isolation of the Ozawa faction by bringing two of its members into the cabinet, not to mention his pick of Koiishi for Kanjichou. Incidentally, I agree with Ellis that Maehara still has a chance to become the popular face of the party before the next election, although Noda, as others have suggested, might become the low key prime minister who is effective and gains popularity over time ala Obuchi.

Like Len, I wish Noda good luck. He and Japan deserve some.

Paul Midford

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