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May 16, 2011

[SSJ: 6661] Japan disaster relief

Glenn Hirsch
Date: 2011/05/16

Do you know a nonprofit in Japan who needs help recovering from the disaster?

As someone who works with the Asian community, we have a favor to ask you. If you have contacts in Japan, could you please help us spread the word to about an offer of assistance to nonprofits?

Our TechSoup partner in Japan, the Japan NPO Center, has teamed up with Microsoft, Adobe Systems, and Symantec to donate software to local nonprofit organizations affected by the East Japan Great Earthquake. This software donation is available to organizations either impacted by the earthquake and tsunami, or assisting with recovery efforts.

More information about the program is available here in

More information about the program is available here in
Japanese: http://www.techsoupjapan.org/shinsai

If you are active on Twitter, here is a tweet you can

We are most grateful for any outreach you can do. We hope that organizations in Japan can get back on their feet as quickly as possible, and that this small effort will help to speed recovery from this terrible disaster.

With hope and gratitude,

Glenn Hirsch
TechSoup Global

***Note by the moderator: in case any link is broken up, please copy and paste the url into your browser in order to access the website***

Approved by ssjmod at 12:19 PM