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March 29, 2011

[SSJ: 6598] Announcing New BLOG Risk and East Asia

From: Uta Golze
Date: 2011/03/29

Dear Subscribers,

I would like to announce the launch of a new Blog by participants in the DFG Graduierten Kolleg 1613 Risk and East Asia. In the format of short, scientifically informed, analyses of current events in East Asia, we aim to show the added-value of a risk perspective on social, political and economic change in the region. The first six blogs by GK1613 faculty members present different disciplinary and analytical perpectives on the March 11, 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis in Japan:

Winfried Flüchter Geo-Risk-Space Japan: from natural hazards ("threats") to man-made hazards ("risks")

Winfried Flüchter The Great Tohoku Earthquake of 2011:
Measuring Magnitudes, Estimating Damage

Winfried Flüchter Japan’s Seismic Warning System, Disaster Prevention and Emergency Measures – How well did they perform in the Great Tohoku Earthquake of 2011?

Winfried Flüchter Restrisiko – towards a flexible conflict economy

Werner Pascha Low-probability, high-consequence events and East Asian studies

Karen Shire The Worst Crisis Japan has faced since WWII

Future blogs will focus more broadly on the region, with entries on China, Korea and transnational issues.
To visit the blog site or to submit a comment on a published blog, visit our home-page at:

References to or other uses of the blog entries must be cited according to the conventions for authored internet sources, for example:

Lastname, Firstname, "Title of individual blog entry."
Weblog entry. Title of Weblog. Date posted. Date accessed (URL).

Lastname, FirstInitial. Title of individual blog entry.
Retrieved January 1, 2007, from http://www.blog.com

Karen Shire
Professor Karen A. Shire PhD
Institute of Sociology
Institute of East Asian Studies
Speaker, DFG Research Training Group 1613 Risk and East Asia www.risk-and-eastasia.de

University Duisburg-Essen
Campus Duisburg, LE 715
47057 Duisburg, Germany

Approved by ssjmod at 06:07 PM