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February 9, 2011
[SSJ: 6521] Call for Papers "Contemporary Japan"
From: Axel Klein
Date: 2011/02/09
Dear Colleagues,
As managing editor of "Contemporary Japan", the peer-reviewed journal of the German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo (DIJ), I would like to circulate this CALL FOR PAPERS.
"Contemporary Japan" publishes in-depth, original work from all disciplines as they relate to contemporary Japan and its historical roots. Manuscripts which cross disciplinary boundaries and raise larger issues of interest are also welcome, as are research notes.
What sets CJ apart from other peer-reviewed journals in the field is its extensive language support to non-native English speakers. When submissions reach the editors, they are judged for content only. Once an article has been reviewed and revised by the author, CJ will make use of the services of a qualified native speaker for language editing.
Thus, CJ not only welcomes contribution from native English speakers, but also intends to facilitate the publication of high-quality research conducted, for example, by Japanese and other Asian scholars as well as those from Europe or the Americas.
For more information, please visit our NEW website:
Best Regards,
Axel Klein
Approved by ssjmod at 01:52 PM