« [SSJ: 6501]
January 26, 2011
[SSJ: 6502] Japan Echo Web
From: Harukata Takenaka
Date: 2011/01/26
Dear all:
I am writing this e-mail as an editor of Japan Echo Web.
Probably many of you are familiar with the following website, but to just make sure that everyone on this mailing list is aware that there is a good source of information on Japanese economy, politics and society.
The website is
Japan Echo Web
This website is run by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and carries English translation of articles on economy, politics and society from leading Japanese journals and magazines.
Until March 2010 there existed private magazine called "Japan Echo," published by Japan Echo. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs purchased most of publication to distribute overseas. But purchasing of a private magazine by government was considered waste of taxpayers' money in Jigyo Shiwake. As a result the Ministry of Foreign Affairs suspended purchase and Japan Echo had to stop publication.
Japan Echo Web was set up in May 2010 to replace ex Japan Echo.
Please check the website.
Harukata Takenaka
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
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