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August 12, 1995
[SSJ: 183] Social Science Japan #4 Contents
From: SSJ-Forum Moderator
Posted Date: 1995/08/12
Newsletter of the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
No.4, August 1995
FOCUS: Deepening the Academic Dialogue between Japan and Asia
1. Editorial
2. Tall Stories: Japanese Political Studies in Thailand / Nakharin MEKTRAIRAT
3. Studying Japan in Malaysia: The Look East Policy / SHAMSUL A.B. and Wendy A. SMITH
4. Japanese Studies in China / TONG Shiping
5. Indonesia, Japan and the European Union / Zainuddin DJAFAR
6. Japanese-Korean Relations in the 1990s / Patrick KOELLNER
7. Comparative Welfare Regimes: The East Asian States / Ito PENG
- Books -
8. Reforms in Post-Maoist China and Perestroika:A Comparison
9. Koza Contemporary Asia
10. Regional Industrial Development: The Current Debate on Milieu and Innovation / Theodor LEUENBERGER
11. An Unconsummated Marriage: Policy Networks and Two-Level Theory / Jonathan LEWIS
12. Urban Housing in Postwar Japan / Ann WASWO
13. Social Science and the Kobe Earthquake / INAMOTO Yonosuke
14. How far Kokusaika? - Possibilities Created by Immigration to Japan / Katherine TEGTMEYER PAK
15. Rebuilding The Social Security System / OSAWA Mari
16. Gender Inequality in the Japanese Workplace / AIBA Keiko
17. Japanese Policy on Climate Change / Jacob PARK
18. Japanese Education Reform / ODANAKA Naoki
Social Science Japan is the newsletter of the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo. The paper edition will be sent out to subscribers at the end of this month. Air mail subscription to SSJ is free, and can be arranged by
e-mailing your surface-mail address to ssjinfo[atx]iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp -- Please write "Sub SSJ" in the subject header of your message.
Previous editions of the newsletter can be read at the following World Wide Web site:
Please note that SSJ #4 will be available at this Web address on August 18.
Also, e-mail subscriptions to SSJ #4 will be sent out on the same day.
List members might be particularly interested in FUJIWARA Kiichi's "Imagining the Past, Remembering the Future," an article from SSJ #3 dealing with Japanese views of the war and Hiroshima.
Approved by ssjmod at 12:00 AM