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March 19, 2018

[SSJ: 10145] Call for paper on EU-Japan

From: Marie Söderberg
Date: 2018/03/19

Call for paper on EU-Japan

European Japan Advanced Research Network (EJARN) 2018 EJARN conference entitled, EU-Japan Partnership; Ready for the ‘Big Bang’? will be held in Stockholm on June 8-9. (For more info on EJARN see https://www.hhs.se/en/research/institutes/eijs/ejarn/). The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) was concluded on Dec.8 2017. We will follow up on this topic as well as the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA). EU-Japan cooperation seems more relevant than ever to protect the liberal world order when we have a president in the US that pursues a policy of “America First” and a growing Chinese power that is becoming more assertive and outward oriented. Paper presentations on these topics (to be understood in a broad sense) are most welcome. So are other papers related to EU-Japan relations. If you are interested in participating, please send an abstract of your paper to NanHee.Lee@hhs.se no later than April 1. Need further information contact Professor Marie Söderberg, Director of European Institute of Japanese Studies (marie.soderberg@hhs.se).



Marie Söderberg

Professor and Director

European Institute of Japanese Studies

Stockholm School of Economics

Phone +46-8-7369364 or +46-8-7369368 (direct) Saltmätargatan 19C, Box 6501 SE-113 83 Stockholm, Sweden

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